Day: May 18, 2022

Today we had for class is Cybersmart and we had to Explore Kawa of Care Agreement Week 1 and it was fun at first but we had to work hard to finish this so we could blog it and we done some photo of me and my friend Krystal and some of them are yes and no and surprised and not surprised so here are the photo we had done and it was about

Atū and Gokua are online and they get an email with an invite to a link that says ‘Click me for some fun free games!’They don’t recognise the sender but click the link anyway.  ‘It is asking me for my phone number’ says Atū ‘Me too, that’s okay we can just send it if it means we get free games!’ said Gokua ‘Ahh’ exclaimed Gokua ‘it didn’t give me free games and took my details!’

and some of them are kind of funny so if you fine it funny please tell me in the comments.


Kawa of care 2

The Poster about Me

today me and my class were doing a poster of our self. so in my poster i done HP means Harry Potter,Netball,Rugby,Netflix,YouTube and My Name. so if you want to see it then it down below. so i will tell you what to do if you were me. So go on Cybersmart Challenges and go on cybersmart number 12 and when you go there you watch the video, and when you watch the video go on click on the challenges and just be yourself  and when you talking yourself.